Uniquely yours…for less!
Summer is unofficially over. For all families with kids, the end of the summer comes on the first day of a new school year. The back-to-school season fills our kids with anticipation - and fills us moms with reasons to shop (for their clothes).
Instilling good fashion sense from an early stage is important. What we wear is an extension of our personalities. Besides, we want to give our kids a good wardrobe so they can be creative with their outfits and give us a reason to say: "You're not going to school dressed like that!". Good education, good manners, and good fashion sense for school begins at home. We all agree on that, don't we?
Let's pretend we're walking down the street and we get stopped by a TV news mom with her microphone, and even better, with a cameraman tagging along. And they ask us to name three good reasons to get back to school.
What do we say? Here are consignista.com's three best reasons to go back-to-school for parents and kids:

So start your shopping! You have just over a week left, and lots to do.
Click on the back-to-school image in this blog or visit consignista.com today, where the same image on our Home Page will open the doors to our "wardrobe" of size and availability.
For Connecticut residents, there an additional incentive: no taxes on purchases for back-to-school (yes including clothing) from August 18 through August 24. And from us at consignista.com, amazing deals and free shipping.
Shop with us, consign with us, or even better, do both!
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